- Mrs. M.W. Surendraraj
- Senior Lecturer, Gr. II
- BA (Hons), MPhil (Jaffna)
- winifreeda@univ.jfn.ac.lk
- +94 21 222 2309
Academic Profile
Admin Roles
Academic Profile
Academic Qualifications
- BA (Hons) in Christian Civilization
- MPhil in Christian Civilization (Jaffna)
Contribution to the Curriculum Revision for Bachelor of Arts General and Honours Degree Programme
General Degree:
- CCE 2013 Christian Art, Architecture and Literature
- CCC 2023 The Bible: The New Testament
- CCE 2043 Christian Beliefs and Practices
- CCCH 2023 Christian Art, Architecture and Literature
- CCEH 2043 Sinhala for Communication
Honours Degree:
- CCEH 2023 Christian Ethics
- CCCH 2083 Sri Lankan Christian Art, Architecture and Literature
- CCCH 3033 Christian Spirituality and Mysticism
- CCCH 3073 History of Christianity in Sri Lanka
- CCCH 3093 Religions of South Asia: Comparative Study
- CCCH 3103 Christian Eschatology
- CCCH 4023 Christianity and Gender Perspectives
Abstracts Published
M.W. Surendraraj, (2015), “The Origin and Development of Christian Art during the Early Church”, University of Sri Jayewardenepura-Colombo: Proceedings of the International Research Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 3rd of December, 160.
W. Surendraraj, (2018), “From Feminist Theory to Feminist Theology: Elizabeth Fiorenza’s Critical Approach to Women Liberation”, University of Jaffna: Proceedings of the Jaffna Science Association Research Conference, 8th – 10th of May, 22.
Gnanapallu: Literature – Theology – History (2022), (ISBN: 978-624-99244-0-6)
- Christian Art, Litureture: Europe and Sri Lanka
- Sri Lankan Church History
- Introduction to Christian Civilization
- Member, Organizing committee of the MAANUDAM International Research Conference ‘On the Hundred Years of Humanities and Social Sciences Education Trajectories, Continuities and Discontinuities’ (JUICE -2022), “Sharping the Future in the New Normal”, Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna. (From 29th of April 2022)
- Member, Organizing committee of the First International Research Conference on ‘Christian Studies’ (IRCCS -2018), “Towards a New Christian Humanistic Ethos”, Department of Christian and Islamic Civilizations, Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna. (07th, 08th of December 2018)
Contribution to the University
- Resource Person for the subject EX. ACCC 11013 Introduction to Christian Civilization, Center for Open and Distance Learning, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. (From 26th of March 2022)
- Student Counsellor, Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. (From 8th of March 2022)
- Session Coordinator of the First Undergraduate Symposium in Arts – 2021, “Humanities and Social Sciences for Equality, Justice and Development” conducted by the Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. (10 January 2022)
- Member, Mode of Exam for Differently Abled Students, Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna. (From 15.07.2021)
- Treasurer, First International Research Conference on ‘Christian Studies’ (IRCCS -2018), “Towards a New Christian Humanistic Ethos”, Department of Christian and Islamic Civilizations, Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna. (07th, 08th of December 2018)
- Participated workshop for National Unity and Reconciliation through higher Education: Module for Training of Trainer Workshop Organized by University Grants Commission and Office for National Unity and Reconciliation. (Held in Awissawella, 18 May, 2017)
- Member, Food and Refreshments committee of the JUICE – 2016, University of Jaffna. (12, 13 of August 2016)
Contribution to the Department
- 2022: In charge of the Alumni association of the department of Christian and Islamic Civilizations.
- 2018: Study Tour: 12 -15 February 2018. Accompanied the students of 2nd, 3rd and 4th (Southern parts of the country)
- 2017: Study Tour on 6- 7 April 2017. Accompanied the students of 2nd, 3rd and 4th year to watch the performance of a Christian Art, Udakku pass (In Pesalai)
- 2015: Participated in the three – day conference on 23 – 25 October 2015 on Peace Studies organize by the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Kelaniya in collaboration with the University of Jaffna. (In Mannar)
- Myliddy S. Swaminathan Memorial Prize for the best student obtained first class in the final special degree examination in the Faculty of Arts for the year 2006.
- C. Sinnadurai Award for the all-round performance in the final year examination of the Faculty of Arts for the year 2006.
Admin Roles
- 2015- 2020: Secretary, Department of Christian and Islamic Civilizations.
- 2012-2014: Teacher, Chundikuli Girls’ College, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. (November 2012 – July 2014)
- 2010-2011: Administrative Officer, Social Organizations Networking for Development (SOND), (September 2010 – April 2011)
- 2008-2009: Sub Warden (Part time), Balasingam Hall of the Residence (Female Hostel), University of Jaffna.